JZK-50全钢系列双级真空挤出机 适用于生产实心砖高孔洞率大断面各种孔型的空心砖。可适用于多种原料煤矸石、页岩、粉煤灰、具有结构新颖、技术先进、挤出压力大、产量高、真空度高的特点,采用气动离合器控制。灵敏、方便、。
This machine is used to produce solid bricks and hollow bricks with great quantities of holes and large section in all size of hole style.It is applicable to many sorts of materials.Its features are novel structure,advanced technology,high extrusive pressure,high production and high vacuum degree.It adopts pneumatic clutch to control.It is sensitive,convenient and reliable.
产量 13000-15000标砖块/小时
绞刀直径 500毫米
较大挤出压力 3.0Mpa
真空度 ≤92%
功率 上级55KW,下级132KW
外形尺寸(长*宽*高) 6572*2054*2504