公司拥有先进的塑料模具生产线和配套机械制造。生产高铁护栏塑模、排水沟塑料模具、六角空心护坡砖塑料模具、电缆槽塑料模具、高体拱形骨架塑料模具等,及盖板塑模高土彩砖、步道石、路沿速公路,市政工程配套预制构件塑模。 是专为混凝石、窨井盖等砼制品厂家配套的塑模和机械生产企业,企业本着、敬业、创业的精神,开发了几大类,上百个品种的塑料模具。有新颖实用的彩色路沿石、平石、模具。
地 址:江西南昌小蓝工业园金沙三路11号
电 话:0791-8191839
传 真: 0791-8191839
手 机:18970823186
¨ Betsy¨ plastic mold characteristics:1, selection:¨ Betsy¨ plastic mold in strict accordance with the design standards for the procurement of raw materials, never Yicichonghao, for big to small.In 2, production: selection of the European imports of equipment, to ensure that products of the indicators of precision.3: according to international standards of quality, strict management, and can replace similar imported products.Services: 4, if in normal circumstances the use of unqualified products, we will be free for you to return the change.To address: Jiangxi Nanchang Xiaolan Industrial Park Jin three road No. 11