品牌专卖价:1780元/张(1.2米) 2280元/张(1.5米) 2680元/张(1.8米)
Diglant SY-J009 Ear mattress with independent pocket springs can be individually pressure, effectively blocking the shock transfer mattress can reduce the interference caused by partner was removed, and each spring adjustment can be made according to different sleeping position and relieve pressure . 80,000 times each spring by the momentum tests to ensure that deformation is not strong. High resilience foam inner padding, can the human body curve body towel, and a massage function, can promote blood circulation, regulate metabolism. Belgian design fabric selection, simple and stylish.
Five pocket springs: 20 cm, dia.2.0. 6 turns.The pocket provides a great comfort.
Building popular design, superior quality, various colors.
G, flexibility, and effective action foam pad on the bed, but also provide real comfort and relaxation of sleep, even if your partener move.
Your firm active pocket springs provide very precise, while the support for your body, because they reduce your shoulders and hips pressure.
First, the memory foam will give you a very comfortable feeling
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