韩国Dacell称重传感器| UMI称重传感器
Model UMI loadcells measure.Both tension & compression load force of 2kgf to 2tf.
High accuracy,high output voltage and tight tolerance provides excellent reliability.
Applications include performance testers for automotive industry.
Specifications Accuracy
Rated capacity(R.C.) 100gf, 200gf, 500gf, 1kgf, 2kgf, 5kgf, 10kgf, 50kgf, 100kgf, 200kgf, 500kgf, 1tf, 2tf
Rated output(R.O.) 2mV/V±1% (100gf~5kgf=1mV/V)
Nonlinearity 0.03% of R.O.
Hysteresis 0.03% of R.O
Repeatability 0.03% of R.O.
Zero balance ±2% of R.O.
Excitation recommended 10V (100gf~5kgf=5V)
Terminal resistance 350Ω ± 1%
Insulation resistance bridge 2000㏁
Temperature range, compensated -10 ~ 50℃
Temperature range, safe -20 ~ 80℃
Temperature effect, on rated output 0.1% of LOAD/10℃
Temperature effect, on zero balance 0.05% of R.O./10℃
Excitation recommended 10V
Safe overload 120% R.C
Cable length Φ5 ±0.5 ,4core, 3m