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芳香木桶特点(The characteristic of sweet wooden bath-tub) 1. 选用原木经特殊工艺处理精制而成,绿色环保,新颖别致,给人以古朴典雅,回归大自然的亲切感; 2. 泡木桶浴是现代人类舒适的沐浴方式之一; 3. 桶体为椭圆型或圆形设计,保温性佳,全身浸泡其中,自然水力按摩,消除疲劳,保健养生; 4. 绿色洁具,木质,不带静电,无辐射,无污染,绿色环保,易清洗 5. 公共场所使用可配用一次性桶袋,干净卫生,预防交叉感染; 6. 占地面积小,无需安装,移动方便,易清洗、保养; 7. 沐浴时可添加花瓣、牛奶、浴盐、浴液、精油、中草药等,亦可与负离子发生器,臭氧机等驳接; 8. 技术,流水线生产,人性化设计,可根据用户需求,特别制作。 1.Choose the high-quality timber was handled by the special craft to make the refined wooden bath-tubs. It is the green and environmentally- friendly products, Give you a kind of fine felling that return to the nature. 2. with the wooden bath-tub take a bath, It is modern mankind to take a bath the one of the ways most comfortablely . 3. The wooden bath-tub as oval or circulars design, It to keep the aqueous temperature is very good, let the whole body soaks in water, The natural aqueous power massages, Dissolve fatigue , Health care health . 4. Environmentally-friendly green products,no static electricity,no radiation ,no pollution ,easy cleaning. 5. The public place can go together to use a time plastic bag, It can prevent cross infection 6. Cover the area small,Do not need special installment, Easily moved cleaning and maintain 7. While taking a bath can increase flower petal, milk, bath salt, bath liquid, ethereal oil, Chinese herb medicine.. etc., 8. Professional technique, Humanized design,It can also be made according to special demands.